Post and panel signs

Post and panel signs are usually unlit and are mounted on one or more visible posts to support the sign body. You’ve seen them used to advertise ‘space available’ for leasing companies; these are temporary signs that can be re-used in different locations. Or they could be made for permanent applications using heavy wall aluminum to withstand the elements. We’ll work with you to determine what materials you need for durability and to fit your budget requirements.
Even though you typically see them for leasing companies, these types of outdoor signs can be used in many different situations. Post and panel sign systems can be used for site identification, way finding and directional signage. Some business owners use them as informational signs, directing traffic, and labeling different buildings on a business campus.
They can be manufactured in a wide variety of configurations including:
• Double post
• Flag
• Ceiling
• Wall mount
Choose your color and finish, decorative posts, post caps, and custom shaped toppers & panels to match your style and the environment in which it will be used. Lighting options such as internal LED and incandescent lights are available.
Check out some of our other post and panel signs on Pinterest or come in to see how we can make a post or panel sign for you. Email for directions or to get a quote started: [email protected]
Need Help? We’re Here!
If you have any questions or concerns about your design, please give us a call.
For more examples of our work, please visit our Pinterest page.