Kiddos aren’t the only ones with gifts under the tree this holiday season – KORT got its own new toy for the holidays! A few weeks ago, a new computer numeric control (CNC) router was installed in the KORT manufacturing area, and our team was thrilled.
A CNC router makes dimensional letters, signs, images and parts with computer-like precision, which is a large time and money saver for both us and our clients. The labor and set-up time savings with this equipment are significant, and these savings can be passed on to KORT customers.

Here’s how it works:
After a KORT designer receives a design from the client, they load it into an illustrator program, which is then sent to the CNC router software where the router operator can make an exact copy of the original design. The design can then be copied in any quantity and can be digitally saved for future reproduction.
The CNC router can manufacture signage and parts in a variety of different types of materials, including wood, plastic, acrylic, aluminum, composite and foam board (HDU). The router can also print in Braille for ADA-compliant signage. And what can the router make out of these materials? Well, the sky is the limit! Almost everything is customizable and size limitations are minimal. This technology gives us the customization we need to create even the most complex designs.
If you feel you have a need for a customized sign or part, our KORT designers would love to use their new toy to make it for you. Just give us a call to work with a designer and get the process going.