Custom wallpaper is ideal for calling attention to certain areas of your business. You could use removable vinyl (like Fat Head) but it falls off after about 3–6 months. You could use vinyl and adhesives from a variety of manufacturers, but they’re meant to stay on for a very long time, as in permanently. Your landlord probably wouldn’t like that.
The answer is HP’s removable wallpaper which offers vivid color and consistency, and will stay on the wall for as long (or as little) as you’d like. Using our HP Latex printer, we can create custom patterns, combine text and graphics, or use high resolution photography. Our designers know how to work around windows, doors, outlets or other obstacles. And we’ll set up the sheets with a good ¼”– ½” overlap for easy installation.

Depending on your skill level though, we highly recommend using a professional wallpaper hanger. It’ll be done in a quarter of the time and will be ‘perfect.’ These people know how to prep the walls if needed, how to remove things like thermostats and light switches, and how to deal with imperfect walls. (Commercial buildings and even homes rarely have perfectly plum walls.)
When it’s time to move to a different space or change your look, it’s really easy to remove our HP material, and it doesn’t harm the surface. So change it out with every season to keep your customers coming back! Let’s talk about the possibilities. 763-432-7630